Iola Ciavarra
Iola Ciavarra
Director , REVEAL

Start your Journey to retail success with Iola’s ebooks and
NEW video micro-course:

FREE Top 5 Sales Tips
If you find the idea of “selling” in a professional environment daunting or unnatural, you’re not alone. We’d like to help. In this free e-book, Iola shares her top 5 tips to start your journey to retail success.

Retail Bible $59
Take a deeper dive in to the art of Retailing in your clinic, salon or spa. Iola has taken her 30 years of experience in the Professional Aesthetics and narrowed it down to just 7 actionable techniques to set you up for retail success. Learn how to ensure you are improving your clients’ outcomes by making Retailing part of the service.
Available as a digital e-book and printed bound workbook also.

It Takes Two – Instant Video Micro Course (15 mins) $49
Keen to do Iola’s Retail It’s Not A Dirty Word” program but want a head-start in the mean time? Or maybe you need an instant motivator to increase Retail revenue in your clinic or salon, RIGHT NOW? Purchase her micro course and it’s yours to watch in your own time, as often as you like.
Want more? Educational programs 2024
Retail..It’s not a Dirty Word
90 minutes
Topics Covered :
- Why we don't retail and why we should
- Retail 101 - HOW to sell in a professional environment - it's very different!
- Profitability scenarios that inspire
Begin in Skin
3 hrs
Topics Covered :
- Basic Skin Histology
- Skin conditions we commonly see
- Cosmetic Terminology - demystified
- Skincare formulations + ingredients
For a complimentary 15 minute chat to see if these programs could benefit your clinic